This is an artist who I found about during my freshman year of college from my friend Molly who knew her through myspace. She sent Molly a copy of her EP, which Molly very kindly shared with me. Now, while the videos could be considered somewhat trite, I think her music is just stunning. Her name is Alessi Laurent-Mark, and in the grand tradition of many of those mod songbirds from the 1960s, she she's a native of swingin' London. I first discovered her in 2007 and I am shocked to see that she has not gotten more coverage. I hope she keeps making music though. To be sure, her appearance is just like that of any other thick-fringed, calico wearing hipster, but in my opinion at least, the sweet purity and simple honesty of her lyrics and melodies make her worthy of note
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
Joe Cocker at Woodstock, 1969
From Michael Wadleigh's 1970 documentary. This is my favorite performance of all those captured.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Asylum Films
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Girl, Interrupted
The Snake Pit
Woman under the influence
Friday, September 9, 2011
Notable Actors who were on Are You Afraid of the Dark
Mia Kirshner
Most of you probably recognize her as Jenny Schecter, The L Word's sociopathic protagonist turned antagonist, as the spoof of Sarah Michelle Gellar's Cruel Intentions character in Not Another Teen Movie or the ill-fated title character of The Black Dahlia. However you know her, if at all, I can assure that this pint-sized, sexy little jewess is one hell of an actress (her early work on The L Word, specifically season one, is absolutely stunning!) This episode is one of my favorite in the entire series and she is great in it.
The Tale of the Hungry Hounds
Ryan Gosling
We all fell in love with him when we saw him in The Notebook as Noah, the ULTIMATE sexy-sweet boy next door. I however, did not gain a full appreciation of him until I saw his phenomenal performance as a secretly crack-addicted inner city school teacher in 2006's Half Nelson (in which, somehow, he was even sexier). His tour de force performance nabbed him a much deserved Oscar nod.
The Tale of Station 109.1
Elisha Cuthbert
Midnight Society Member Season 7
Most of you probably know her as the porn star with a heart in 2004's teen sex dud The Girl Next Door or perhaps as one of the hot american girls in Love Actually. It seems that since then, all her roles and films have been of the exploitation genre type. Indeed, maybe it is possible to be too pretty in Hollywood.
Narrated The Tale of the Lunar Locusts (BONUS! This episode also starred figure skater Tara Lipinski)
Rachel Blanchard
Midnight Society Member Season 1-3
The show's original pretty girl. As an actress, this woman has been around for quite a while but remained slightly under the radar. You may most likely recognize her Cher from the short lived Clueless television series or from the movie Road Trip and most recently as Sally on Flight of the Conchords.
Narrated The Tale of the Prom Queen
Hayden Christensen
Yes, Anakin Skywalker and a string of bad performances and critical flops. However, I will stand by this guy in my belief that he is more (at least a little) than a pretty face. If you have seen his peformance as the angst ridden adolescent goth in Life as a House you might agree with me .
The Tale of Bigfoot Ridge
Melissa Joan Heart
Clarissa, Sabrina...growing up in 90s Nickelodeon, this girl epitomized everything that we thought (or perhaps were rather effectively told) was cool. It is possible the Melissa (as Clarissa) was already something of a star by the time this episode aired but still... a notable cast member.
The Tale of the Frozen Ghost
Emmanuelle Chriqui
For those of us who watch Entourage, we know Emmanuelle as the undeserving E's off and on squeeze. You may also have seen her in On the Line, a romantic comedy costarring Lance Bass (before he came out of course.
The Tale of the Night Shift
Jay Baruchel
One's of Judd Apatow's regular's, Baruchel has starred in Tropic Thunder, Knocked Up and the television show Undeclared among others. Baruchel actually appeared in a number of AYAOTD episodes as different characters.
The Tale of the Walking Shadow
Will Friedle
We know him from the classic friday night staple Boy Meets World where he played Eric Matthews, a television character who proved that the longer your hair grows, the dumber you get.
The Tale of the Long Ago Locket
Eddie Kaye Thomas
If you saw the teen classic American Pie, you will recognize this guy as Paul Finch, aka shit-brick, aka the guy who banged Stiffler's mom! When I was little this was the only episode I could tolerate to watch without getting freaked out.
The Tale of the Curious Camera
Neve Campbell
The Scream Queen (literally) of the 90s herself. I can't think of a more well suited place for this actress to have gotten her start.
The Tale of the Dangerous Soup
FILM: Dream Boy
Looks very interesting. Also, because the accompanying song is so awesome, I'll give the trailer a break for the overkill of "tender caresses" shots and the classically cliché "i've never done this before" dialogue.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Apocalypse Now?
I have always hated films about the apocalypse. I'm not a huge fan of action flicks and any mention of the end of the world occurring in my in my lifetime turns me into a worse neurotic than Woody Allen (I beg you, please do not speculate about 2012 in my presence). However, these two meditative, visually striking films have caught my interest. I am dying to see Another Earth.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Catherine Breillat's THE SLEEPING BEAUTY
One of my favorite feminist french directors Catherine Breillat, makes in next installment in her series of fractured fairy tales with her interpretation of Sleeping Beauty. (this looks a hell of a lot better than that twilght-ed Red Riding Hood crap, which I took personal offense to considering Little Red Riding Hood is my favorite fairy tale.)
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
One of my favorite movies of all time! Don't get me wrong, I love Reese Witherspoon and I thought she was great in Walk the Line, but the Oscar should have gone to Huffman that year. This was one of the most revolutionary performances ever made by an actress and she was completely and utterly convincing! I love the use of David Bowie's Rebel Rebel in the trailer, its a perfect match for the content of the film.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Monday, June 13, 2011
Groupie Wish List
I don't know why, but there is something undeniably sexy about a man with an instrument. Maybe it has to do with their assertive confidence as they move across the stage or the way they hold the crowd in the palm of their hand or maybe its the fact that they can create and orchestrate such beautiful sounds that move and transport you. I just spent this last weekend at Bonnaroo Musical Festival and in addition to the shockingly large number of cute male patrons (many of which were shirtless), there was a whole plethora a cute musicians to feast your eyes on. I remember when I was reading I'm With the Band: Confessions of a Groupie by Pamela Des Barres, the original groupie, she kept a sort of sexual hit list of musicians she wanted to, well, get to know better. So I made my own.
Bad boy. Mama's boy. Boy next door. Good ole boy. Hipster. Hick. Player. Lover. Gentleman. Junkie. Classy. Trashy. Nerd. Badass. And oh my damn, does this boy know how to dress! When he walked out onto the stage, in classic southern fashion, he tipped his hat to the audience and gave a cocky wink. I had turned into mush before the set had even started. And don't even get me started on that sexy twang or that lazy smile!

2) Andrew VanWyngarden (MGMT, guitar, vocals)
MGMT's frontman is definitely what I would consider a pretty boy. Plus, he's a college grad, from Wesleyan University no less! I remember when I saw them at Lollapalooza last summer he was wearing this retro-mod tweed suit!
3) Aaron Dessner (The National, bass, guitar, keyboards)
This boy hails back from my own home town, Cincinnati, Ohio. I am a HUGE fan of The National and it is actually Aaron who writes most of the music. The fact that he can create such amazing music makes my head spin in the best way possible. Plus, as an added bonus, he is also adorable! I've always been a sucker for curly hair and scruff. Plus he has a twin brother who is also in the band!
4) Matisyahu
Impossible considering his religion forbids his from touching anyone from his wife (or
any gentile woman for that matter) and he is consequently married. Also, to some, perhaps a slightly odd choice, but I cant
help it!
5) Chris Martin (Coldplay, vocals)
Okay, taken. And I mean really taken considering he's married to Gwyneth Paltrow! Talk about unbeatable competition! Also, he has two kids. I'm no home-wrecker. But still, this guy is unbelievably sexy.
6) Ben Lovett (Mumford and Sons, keyboard, vocals)
You gotta love an Englishman. They've got some kind of inherent charm that I can't quite put a finger on. I just saw these guys live at Bonnaroo and it was, without question, one of the best concerts I have ever seen!
7) Winston Marshall (Mumford and Sons, banjo, vocals)
Winston was practically humping his banjo. Kinda makes you think.
8) Ketch Secor (Old Crow Medicine Show, fiddle, vocals, harmonica)
I just saw these guys live and let me tell you, this is a band that wields a hefty amount
of sass. Like Justin Townes Earle, I get the sense that these country boys are more than
a little bit naughty. When I saw them, Ketch was wearing a neon bandana across his forehead and a bright flannel shirt (a look for which I am an undeniable sucker). But
more importantly, the way Ketch's lips moved across that harmonica made me suspect
that he would have expertise in multiple areas.
9) Matt Berninger (The National, lead vocals)
Matt Berninger may very well have the single sexiest voice in music today. I have seen
The National live three times at festivals and each time I was pulled away from another concert by the lull of his hypnotic baritone. Alas, sadly, he is also married.
10) Kid Cudi
A rapper who plays guitar? This guy revolutionized the hip hop genre! Never mind
the fact that he is also a sick dj! Plus, I love a brother who can pull off the thick
frame nerd specs.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Errol Flynn's House of Iniquity
ANOTHER Hollywood treasure which, thankfully, I believe is still standing... at least for now. I ask you, why are these places not protected as historical landmarks? Anyways, Hollywood's original bad boy, Errol Flynn built the infamous Mulholland Farm in Laurel Canyon at the height of his career. The parties were legendary. Most interestingly, apart from the "bottomless pool" (a nine foot deep swimming pool), the house had a labyrinth of secret tunnels, the walls of which were dotted with numerous peepholes into the various bedrooms. Kinky.

Here is a cool, informative clip about the place.
School for Scandal
I never attended an all girls boarding school, but it seems to me there is a common theme. Here are three fantastic films featuring sapphic tensions in an educational environment.
Maedchen in Uniform (1931)
The Children's Hour (1961)
Cracks (2010)
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Jane Mansfeild's Pink Palace
Another Hollywood treasure that was thoughtlessly bulldozed to make way for development. I cant understand why this wasn't protected under some landmark status. A real life Barbie Dream House, kitsch doesn't get any better than this.
The Den

The Office

The Bathroom
Frank Zappa's Log Cabin
The cabin was originally built in 1915, amist the hills of the, then virgin Laurel Canyon, as sort of a luxury men's lodge. Then, it was lived in by former silent film cowboy icon Tom Mix. The original cabin has its own bowling ally in the basement and a giant fireplace. The grounds themselves are covered with man made caves, alcoves and wooded trails. In the 1960s, Frank Zappa and his family moved in. At that time, the house was a frequent stopping point for rockstars and was the site of many notorious parties. Tragically, the original cabin burned down. But a new house has been rebuilt with the ruins and landscaping intact.

Saturday, March 26, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
L'apres-midi d'un Faune (The Afternoon of a Faun)

Before The Rite of Spring caused Parisian ballet patrons to riot, legendary dancer and choreographer Vaslav Nijinsky made waves in 1912 with this short ballet, Afternoon of a Faun, based upon the poem by Stephane Mallarme. Accompanied by the music of Claude Debussy, the angular, more modern movements are a drastic departure from classical ballet. The ballet is decidedly pastoral and overtly sexual in nature. A young fawn awakens on a summer afternoon and spots a group of nymphs bathing in a nearby spring. Seized by newly erupting sexual desires, he cavorts with the nymphs, attempting to engage them. Finally, one nymph dances with him. Soon, however, she departs, leaving a scarf behind. Consumed by desire, the fawn reverently carries the scarf up to his leafy bed, and after caressing, sniffing and tasting the scarf, the fawn descends upon the sensual artifact and brings himself to a climax. It was this simulation of masturbation that really pissed off the Parisian audiences, who called the ballet obscene. In retrospect however, this unbelievably sexy ballet paved the road for expression through dance. I especially love how, through much of the piece, the Faun has his hands tensely held near his pelvis, as if to express the tumult of sweet tension flowing there.
Rudolph Nureyev dances the fawn.
The Fawn as danced by George de la Pena in a dramatization of the original performance from the film Nijinsky.
Actual footage of Vaslav Nijinsky, performing the Fawn in the original 1912 production.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
JAILBAIT: Skandar Keynes
For my weekly tradition of Sunday procrastination I watched the Chronicles of Narnia films. In general, I prefer the old BBC version that I grew up with. However, this time I went ahead and gave the new ones a try. By the time I got to viewing Prince Caspian, I made a new discovery, Skandar Keynes. Granted, I am four years older than him so this is slightly creepy, but sometimes puberty works miracles. Tall, fit, dark and fair, this pretty boy has a killer pair of eyes and a subtle mystique.

Saturday, February 12, 2011
Newest Crush: Justin Townes Earle
Son of the legendary Steve Earle, this skinny little country boy is at once, endearingly nice and deliciously naughty. With his playfully dirty mouth and a rather sordid past littered with sporadic instances of substance abuse, a stint in jail and getting kicked out of Daddy's band, combined with that wholesome country boy twang, old southern gentlemen charm and effortlessly soulful all-american sound, this bad boy is just sweet enough to make your knees weak. Or at least mine, considering I collapsed about 10 minutes ago and have no intention of getting up until I've rubbed one out. (figuratively speaking, of course) Don't you just love that goofy grin?
Friday, January 14, 2011
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